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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Amazing vintage textiles arrive in the workroom!!!

Somehow, some days are just good, and other days OK. But yesterday was in the "GREAT!" category.
An unexpected arrival if vintage interior design fabrics made the workroom buzz with excitement..  From the '60s, '70s. and a few '80s, an incredible collection of  retro prints and color combinations has the designers immersed in  a glorious bout of nostalgia. Some how the iconic prints of previous decades have found there way through some mysterious portal and landed in the work room.  Waverly, Sears & Roebuck, and 5th Avenue are just a few of the names.  The happy optimistic colors of the '80s.  The earthy grass roots of the '70s, and the Americana of the '60s have come to inspire us us. A bit like "The Sound of Music" where Maria looks at the curtains and envisions play clothes for her charges.

Late one rainy evening......

"Hmmmm.... I have an idea..."

The next morning....

"...And voila! I am genius!"

Although these fabrics may not be destined for children's clothing, as in the Von Trapp story, they will most definitely become some of the most sought after pieces of our collection in Spring 2012.And if you are lucky enough to find one at your local boutique, mark down the date, snatch it up quick, and save it to show your grand children, as it is a piece of the past, to made to to make us relish the present.

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