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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Macbeth- ala Steampunk!

 Today i enter the final design stages/meeting with the director of Mac Beth( hereforth refered to as "McB").

I meet at 5pm before the rehersal start to iron out the last details, quick changes, final vision etc.  I love  steampunk, and it is one of my favorite genres. For those unfamiliar with this style, it could best be described as Apocalyptic Victorian or Jules Vern.  For this production, I am basing designs of the the sci-fi classic "Dune".

While the director has not specified a team style color scheme (red vs. blue), I do intend to incorporate it in some way. We will include the  mini top hats, goggles, etc. One of the main design challenges will be the  all black set, with an outdoor night time performance. The show runs 6 weeks, and has an amazing cast to play of off. While steampunk has a dark, heavy color pallette, we will be forced to lighten it up a bit considering the staging, setting and subjet matter.

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