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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Secret Diary of a Ntcracker Ballet Costumer

Today we made the great trek up the big hill to a new trade show. To attend trade events is one of the BIG factors that separates our work from the dreaded"mommy mill" costumes.  My assistants were trade show virgins and had never been to an event like this. While I have attended MANY, MANY, MANY international textile events in the past this was a new venue.  We arrived and  it was slightly drizzling outside, and when we parked the car ($12 later), I was immeadiatley disheartened to see attendees exciting the Hall. It was only 10:30, and the event had been opened for only and hour and a half, and yet, people were leaving the hall.  This was an immeadiate bad omen for me.

  After searching for 20 minutes for the entrance to the hall,  I entered a rather small venue with under 100 vendors. Many were from overseas, and had higher end, couture type fabrics ( $200 per yard wholesale). Of my existing vendors, and after being in the trade for decades the list is quite comprhensive, I found only a hand full of my regular suppliers were exhibitors.  Many times i have used couture fabrics for Company peices, but on our list for today were midrange  products, and they were scarcely represented at the show. Actually, there was not much at the show at all, other than sublim contrators (had amazing conversations with them and their products were great).

The show was billed as full  spectrum, indicating that it would feature service/prodcuts for the full spectrum of manufacturing., cutting, sewing, design, etc., I was dissapointed to find, no CAD, no machines,  or contractors.  I wondered if this is the new show, where are all of my vendors?  I think I liked the old show better.  I did find some great peices to order, but overall left, feeling sad. I realize that the economy is down and ususally there are normally no new  product debuts duriing  slow periods.  R&D is done when the $$ i flowing, and the show represented that quite well.

The good news- We were able to source for Icicle costumes, a rebuild  for this season, and the rat tutus. And I did order the patent leather lycra I needed for a project.  But will i attend again?  Idk... but this was a local show, and a better choice for me than Vegas.  I dread the shows in Vegas, I really just don't get the hype about the town, it seems really over rated to me..

My Assistants had fun, we all learned alot about sublim services, and were happy with our orders. the goods will arrive next week, and we will start the rebuild on at least 2 costume groups.

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