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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

our new web is up!

Featuring Tutus, Character skirts, Bodices, and ballet costumes. Still working out a few glitches(but who isn't?) But its still worth checking out will be adding more costume rentals, and additional images of shows and costumes.

Up next- costumes from Petrushka- the Moor and the Charlatan to complete the group ef lead characters. These costumes have actually turned out to be oneof the best groups we have built. Ironicaly even thoght they are so ballet character specifc, they have been highly rentable for other productions . Based upon original sketches by Leon Baskt, and built to professional ballet company standards, these costumes will be used in "A Comedy of Errors" for Shakespeare in the Vines for the Goaler and Merchant. Images will be added on the website ASAP.

The Moor's costume consists ofa long jacket of Green velvet, metallic tafetta, lame, a wide sash of giraffe print, and long gold satin harem pants.

The Charlatan has a coat of Yellow, hand painted with a dragon,and dark straight legged pants. and of course the most amazing turban you have ever seen!! Check back for images!!

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