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Saturday, November 7, 2009

2010- ALREADY?

Well, the inevitable has happened. Just when I thought I could focus and finish up one project, a slew if 2010 projects have reared up their enticing, intriguing little heads to distract me and make my heart race and beat erratically.
Up first, a steam punk fashion Show in collaboration with Joseph Carroll Photography for spring, for an unnamed charity (we are taking submissions, so please submit your fav's). My staff is super excited by this one, as it comes close on the heals of the Dickens festival Steampunk push they have in Feb 2010.  Lots of ideas, will schedule a time line after this week.

Project Deux- Alice in Wonderland-  While this project has been rumbling around the workroom for the last 6 months, the final semi- confirmation has come through.  Previously a possible ballet, it now may be reincarnated by an entirely different production company as a musical.

Project Trois-The Lion King  This is a HUGE build for us, and will take place over the next 2 years, with
act1 scene1 avaible in June 2010. Lots of  fun, and creativity, based on the broadway musical.  We will produce  approxamately 2 costumes a month  for the next 2 years, until the show is completed